
4 Tips for Playing Golf This Season

With the weather starting to heat up and much of the country reopening as COVID-19 cases begin to decline, this means a return to the golf course. We know that it might be your first round in a long time. Therefore, we have put together some helpful tips for you to remember as you hit the links this summer!

Hit the Driving Range First

You are probably excited to hit the first tee as quickly as possible; however, if your first swing of the season is from the tee box, you are going to be disappointed. You haven’t used your golf muscles in a long time, so you need to give them a chance to warm up. Head to the driving range first. Start with the shorter clubs and work up to the driver. You need to let your muscle fibers stretch, respond, and fire accordingly. Then, you can move to the tee box.

Focus on Swing Tempo

Both at the practice range and on the golf course, think about your swing tempo. Your swing is going to be rusty, so swinging harder in an effort to add a few extra yards is going to cause you to slice and hook the ball. It will also aggravate any hitches or inks in your swing. Focus on swing tempo of around 70 percent. This will help you keep your swing under control, which will lead to a smoother flight path. This should be your goal on your first round.

Don’t Forget About Safety

While safety means wearing sunscreen, it also means thinking about the current conditions. Remember that COVID-19 is still out there. If you use a golf cart, make sure to bring some sanitizer or sterile wipes to clean the touchpoints of the cart. Also, try to avoid touching other people’s golf balls or clubs. Finally, remember that you can officially leave the pin in the hole while you play. Even though this might feel a little bit awkward, keep the pin in the hole. Don’t touch anything unless you must.

Manage Your Expectations

Finally, try to keep your expectations low. In fact, it might be a good idea not to keep score at all. You have invested a lot in your golf game, so try to put a smile on your face! Your first round of the season is not likely to be your best because you are still kicking off the rust. Therefore, manage your expectations, throw the score book away, and put a smile on your face! You are stepping out on a beautiful golf course for the first time in a long time, so enjoy it!

Come and Visit River’s Edge Golf Course in Bend, Oregon Today!

If you are looking for the best golf course in Bend, Oregon to kick off your golf season, then check out River’s Edge today! We have worked hard to keep our golf course in pristine condition even during the shelter in place orders. We would be honored to have you help us break in our golf course this summer. Come and visit us today!