
5 Tips For A Phenomenal Golf Swing

It’s never too late to perfect your golf swing. Whether you are a new golfer or an experienced pro, you can constantly tweak how you swing the iron, stand at the tee and and grip the club so you can have a phenomenal golf swing that everyone will envy. Have a stellar score and a great day at the links by using the follow tips to improve your golf swing.

1: Know Your Neutral Hand Position

Understanding the correct way to hold the club is just as important as knowing how to swing it. Your hands have a natural way of hanging at your sides. See how your hands are angled as you want to grip the club at this same angle. When you hold the club, place your left hand (if you are right-handed) on the club with the thumb pointing down and the V of your hand pointed at your shoulder. Place your other hand lower on the shaft at the same neutral position and grip tight.

2: Spread Your Feet While Keeping Relaxed

Keeping your body tightly together just hampers your movements and won’t allow you to build up the power you need for the swing. Before you take your stance, relax. Get up to the tee and spread your legs apart as you shift your weight to the back foot. Your legs should be spread out at the same length as your shoulders and parallel to the tee.

3: No Slouching As You Bend At The Knees

Know the saying ‘bend with your knees instead of with your back” when you are picking up objects? The same rule applies when playing golf. Flex your knees slightly. You want to bend at your hips, not arch your back as if you are towering over the tee. Keep the spine straight for the follow-though.

4: Know When To Use Your Full Power

Never use up your full energy into the backswing. You aren’t out there to swing at flies over your shoulder as you will use up so much energy that you won’t get the ball off the ground. Slowly lift the club up and then put your entire force into the downswing as you will watch that ball fly through the air.

5: Place Your Club Behind the Shoulder And Not The Back

Even while you are adding power to your downswing, many people hold the club incorrectly behind them during the upswing. It should not be behind your back. Focus on placing the club up over the shoulder region so you have a more consistent powerful drive.

This will get you started.  If you want to improve your game, call Troy at The River’s Edge Golf Course for some lessons.

Source: River’s Edge Golf Blog